

【年化殖利率(股利率、收益率)定義】常在新聞上看到例如00878 配息0.4元,股價20元,於是就會有媒體說,0.4*4/20=8%,年化殖利率8%,這個名詞定義跟算法是台灣人定義的嗎?國外對應的名字叫做Forward Dividend Yield,用來預估年度的殖利率或收益率。Dividend 是指發放的現金收益。


What Is a Forward Dividend Yield?
A forward dividend yield is an estimation of a year's dividend expressed as a percentage of the current stock price. The year's projected dividend is measured by taking a stock's most recent actual dividend payment and annualizing it. The forward dividend yield is calculated by dividing a year's worth of future dividend payments by a stock's current share price.

範例1: Understanding a Forward Dividend Yield
For example, if a company pays a Q1 dividend of 25 cents, and you assume the company's dividend will be consistent, the firm will be expected to pay $1.00 in dividends over the course of the year. (25 cents x 4 quarters). If the stock price is $10, the forward dividend yield is 10% ([1/10] x 100)

範例2: 若股票交易價格為100美元,季度股息0.5美元,Forward dividend yield=0.5*4/100=2%

➤公式: Indicated Yield= Stock Price(MRD)×(# of DPEY)

MRD=Most recent dividend
DPEY=Dividend payments each year







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